I have posted a few times on the AMAZING Guy Tang over the past several months. Guy is one of the most dramatic and edgy models I have seen in a long time and he pushes the limits with his work with spectacular results. DNA took notice and Guy has been featured twice in the past week. Check out Guy on DNA HERE: Also be sure to vote for Guy as Mate of the Month HERE:

Above: Guy's most recent shoot with Don this past August shot in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
All shots of Guy featured here by Don Pollard. Don is not only my favorite photographer who has worked with Guy, he is also a truly wonderful man who is very giving with his time and work. Check out Don's site HERE:

Rupert Friend in Cheri!
The best capper out there, Casperfan has the first look at Rupert Friend in 'Cheri'. I am looking forward to seeing Cheri not only for Rupert but I love almost anything Michelle Pfeiffer does. Check out Casperfan's site HERE:

STADE 2010:
Those Rugby God's are back for the Stade 2010 Calendar, and the amazing shots by Tony Duran are starting to pop up all over the place. I found many great ones on my favorite site Dreamcaps.