Caught a movie on the other night, 'Cowboy Junction' (2006) directed by Gregory Christian. Interesting movie about a man who picks up a cowboy on the side of the road and takes him home to stay with he and his wife. Of course, both husband and wife are infatuated with their house guest.
I did not love this flick, but it did hold my interest. James Michael Bobby certainly was a stand out from his first scene standing on the side of the road in his jeans and wife beater. (I HATE the word wife beater for so many reason, but if I said undershirt I would sound like an 80 year old dork. In actuality I am only a dork in his thirties...)
Some of you might know James from his roles in 'Eating Out 2' or 'The L Word'. This was the first time I took notice of James, and I can tell you under Gregory Christian's direction, you spend the first part of this movie thinking those jeans are never coming off, but just hoping that they do. James, along with his co-stars also keep you involved wondering exactly how the three characters are going to end up.

You can check out the official site for 'Cowboy Junction' HERE: You can check out James Michael Bobby's site HERE:

'Cowboy Junction'

Caps from 'Cowboy Junction' from PERHAPS! Thank you!