I wrote the other day about my excitement about the Emmy Awards which aired Sunday night. Well, that was two days ago and I have to admit I switched the channel after about 30 minutes and have yet to finish watching the recording of the rest of the show. I will, it is just not calling my name at the moment.
First let me say I love Neil Patrick Harris and really enjoyed his opening number. Neil also rocked that white tux jacket, so hot! He was the perfect host. I guess I am just out of touch with what the Emmy voters are looking for. I have yet to really see the appeal of the Thursday night comedies on NBC which win so many awards. I know one day I will be posting about my love for 'The Office' and '30 Rock' after buying the DVD's, but right now they just don't do it for me. Even though I like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I am not a regular viewer. If you watch the Emmy's you would think they are all that is on tv.
I say this every year, but I am always shocked when Ryan Seacrest loses for tv host. Jeff Probst is fine, but his 'taped' hosting gig with all it's editing cannot compare to Seacrest live on stage 2 nights a week moving 'American Idol' along.
I do congratulate the winners, I just was not jumping up and down.

Another reason the Emmy's bother me is that it is hard to see great performances ignored. You all know I love 'Grey's Anatomy' and I know many of you do not. I understand why some would be turned off, but this show to me is so well written (except for Izzy and George), so well acted and packs an emotional punch week after week to me.
This season saw some outstanding performances. I have already posted about how I felt Justin Chambers deserved a nod this year, but today I want to focus on the guest stars of Grey's. Besides the great turn by Eric Stoltz, my favorite guest star this year was actor Ben Shenkman.
Many of you remember Ben from his turn in 'Angels In America'. Ben had the good fortune to be standing in front of Patrick Wilson when he stripped on the beach. Ben is a great actor and his turn as the husband who loses his wife on Grey's was an acting masterpiece. The 'I want my wife' scene still haunts me and I was equally effected re watching the episode on DVD last week.

Guest acting on TV Shows usually has the EMMY voters going for big names. This years winner Michael J. Fox was no exception. I did not see Fox on 'Rescue Me' and I am sure he was great, but I want to give kudos to Shenkman for an award winning performance!
Below: On Grey's with Patrick Dempsey and Jennifer Westfeldt.

Below: Ben with Patrick Wilson in 'Angels In America'

If you have not watched Grey's Before, I encourage you to begin. If you need a reason, download or watch Ben's episode on DVD. It is titled 'An Honest Mistake' and also features Faye Dunaway as her wonderful self as a surgeon, who should have retired years ago, struggling to walk away.