I have always liked Madonna, but I have never really LOVED her like many. I respect her more than actually admired her music. That being said, while looking for just the right picture for her birthday post (see above), I was taken to many photos of her with someone I used to spend a lot of time fantazing about, Tony Ward.

I remeber a young Tony Ward from the late 80's and early 90's ahead of his time. So stunningly beautiful with that body, hair and face. Tony was doing what many actors and models do all the time today. Not only his willingness to be naked, but his openess to bucking sexual steriotypes and blatantly doing projects and photo shoots which would attract gay fans. It is common today for models and actors to openly go after a gay audience, but in the past it was done queitly, but Tony was ahead of his time with his pictures, movies (Hustler White) just his bravery in bucking the norm to do exactly what he wanted to do. I guess that is why he calls himself the anti-model.

I truly admire Tony Ward. Although we all get older, Tony has gotten a bit rougher with age, with the added tats. He is still hot to me, but I do love looking back at his early photos. Anyone else love his nose??? (I am wierd...) It appears Tony concentrates on his photography and art these days, but he still pops up in magazine spreads. Tony is truly a pioneer and icon of male beauty.
Tony has a GREAT web site with an amazing history of his life as a model (anti model). If your a fan, check it out, it is truly worth the look!

Tony in 'As I See It'
Photography by Greg Gorman

1985: In Touch
Photography by Ken Haak
(I absolutely love this photo series. Something about his look, the socks the poses which are so so hot!).

1984: Colt Studio
Photography by Jim French