Actor Chris Pine, soon to be seen in the new Star Trek movie turns 28 today.

Hard to believe Macaulay Culkin turns 28 today.

Actor John Cabrera, so adorable on Gilmore Girls turns 33 today.

Actor TJ Ramini turns 33 today.

Actress Melissa McCarthy who will always be 'Sookie' to me turns 38.

Got to love a drummer who likes to beat in the nude. No Doubt's Adrian Young turns 39 today.

The utlra sexy Jon Hensley turns 43 today. (See previous post on Jon).

I was going to do a 'Blast From The Past' post on Brett Cullen, although he is certainly currently very active in the acting world. Many remember him recently on Lost. I remember Brett fondly shirtless on his time on Falcon Crest. Brett turns 52today.