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Hottest American Idols Top Ten!

American Idol is not known for it's great looking guys, but here are my 10 favorites. This list is not just looks but combo of looks and talent. Some I like just because, and some it is strictly appearances. They are in alphabetical order, and not in the order of my favorites. Whom are your faves??? Vote for your favorite at the top right of the blog.

Fleeting eye candy in season 2, JD Adams left too quickly, his audition in the semi finals was better than most.

Even though Clay Aiken is presently a public mess and bugging the shit out me, this guy can belt out a song like no other and I routed for him hard in season 2. Hope he can pull his act together.

Chris Daughtry from Season 5 was simply smokin

Might Have been the scar, or the way he filled out the back of his jeans, but season 4's Anthony Fedorov was ok with me.

Fedorov on Fear Factor

Season 3's Jon Peter Lewis, something about him, especially when he danced.

Season 3 semi finalist Matthew Metzger. Not a powerful voice, but better than almost any of the guys who passed him into the finals.

One Life To Live caps from SoapHunks

Season 6 cutie Chris Richardson, I was not a huge fan of his voice, but he was huggable without a doubt.

A Fake for sure, but a nice one still.

Travis Tucker was a semi finalist in season 4, cute smile and seemed like a nice guy. Should have passed Scott Savol and gone to the finals.

Elliot Yamin (Season 5) Man not your typical hunk for sure, but when he sang, especially Moody Mood for Love, I was hooked.

Ace Young, (Season 5) not the greates singer, but pretty cute, even if he does say so himself...