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love you forever robert munsch

love you forever robert munsch. books is Love You Forever,
  • books is Love You Forever,

  • iApples
    Apr 10, 02:35 AM
    /=divide. 9+3=12*2=24. 48/24=2.

    Oh really? Wow I didn't know that... Sarcasm.

    I'm talking about on a calculator. Enter it EXACTLY how it was in the OP and you'll get 288.

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever amp; I
  • Love You Forever amp; I

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 04:03 PM
    Right and what is your point?

    If they weren't making money they would be sold off or shut down. They are high end cars sold to the rich. But let me guess you are stupid to buy an over priced Apple or iProduct right? Just like anyone that buys a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche is dumb. What is dumb is thinking one product is better than another. What is better, the iPhone, Android or a Star Tec? I guess if the only thing I want to do is make phone calls my old Star Tec is the best if it still works. My point is it depends on what your needs are.

    About that guess. I didn't argue that it's dumb to buy an Apple product. Nor that it's dumb to buy a Ferrari or Porsche. Nice try.

    My point was that they are now owned or mergining with other companies. Porsche had a �9 billion debt. They weren't making enough money. I bet they were worrying about the future though.

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever. by Robert
  • Love You Forever. by Robert

  • fishmoose
    Apr 23, 04:59 PM
    Good article on the subject: "Consider The Retina Display" (http://theelaborated.net/blog/2011/4/13/consider-the-retina-display.html)

    love you forever robert munsch. love you forever robert
  • love you forever robert

  • netdog
    Jul 30, 11:23 AM
    In honor of Gene Rodenberry, iCommunicator, or iCom

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever listings
  • Love You Forever listings

  • Jensend
    Mar 30, 02:32 AM
    The storage costs 4 times as much as Google cloud storage (not sure if Google's service handles music files well)

    love you forever robert munsch. quot;I#39;ll love you forever,
  • quot;I#39;ll love you forever,

  • Abstract
    Apr 10, 08:02 PM
    Wow. There are still people who think the answer is 2? I'll check back later, but please remember that not everyone is good at maths. Let it be. :p

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever. by Robert
  • Love You Forever. by Robert

  • Cougarcat
    May 4, 07:16 PM
    I think Apple is doing it this way to cut down on the ability to make hackintoshes.

    No, they are doing it to make installations easier. You can already install Lion on Hackintoshes.

    Not to mention why would I want to waste space on a recovery partition anyhow ? ;)

    It's not huge...792 MB. Handy for the times your boot drive isn't around. But I could see why you wouldn't want it on your air--every bit of space counts on an SSD.

    love you forever robert munsch. copy of Love You Forever.
  • copy of Love You Forever.

  • ticman
    Dec 3, 12:09 PM
    did you ever hear back from BLT??

    I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever by Robert
  • Love You Forever by Robert

  • teiresias
    Apr 4, 03:42 PM
    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.

    Not if you buy your music from Amazon and have it saved to your cloud storage be default. All mp3 purchases from Amazon (so long as cloud storage is set as your default when purchasing) are stored free in the cloud and don't count against your storage limit. You can download it to your Mac/PC later (while leaving it in the Amazon cloud) and add it into your iTunes library on your local storage if you'd like.

    This is actually a much better thing for me, as if I'm away from my home computer, I can still buy music, have it go to the cloud by default, and immediately have it available to both any computer that runs the cloud player and my phone without having to wait to go home and purchase through iTunes and sync a device.

    love you forever robert munsch. Book: I Love You Forever by
  • Book: I Love You Forever by

  • oracle_ab
    Mar 29, 01:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (iPod touch 16GB: Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There is nothing wrong with companies using resources abroad. It's called specialization. Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere?

    Because it's rapidly becoming the case that EVERYTHING can be produced more cheaply in places like China and India -- even things that were previously thought to be "safe" industries (medical X-Rays are read in India / China, legal documents are authored overseas and sent back to the US to be signed) because they required and educated or advanced workforce.

    So, I turn the question back to you -- how will you afford to buy an iPod when you are asked to take a substantial (50% or more) pay cut because an individual in India or China can do YOUR job more cheaply.

    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    So, so true.

    love you forever robert munsch. Canadian author Robert Munsch
  • Canadian author Robert Munsch

  • Auax
    Apr 21, 09:22 PM
    i prefer a smaller one..

    love you forever robert munsch. Author Robert Munsch poses
  • Author Robert Munsch poses

  • timmillwood
    Sep 11, 01:33 PM


    love you forever robert munsch. COMES WITH BOOK quot;LOVE YOU

  • kalsta
    May 6, 10:04 AM
    Exactly what I was thinking. Although glass sizes differ across states in Australia as well. Here in WA if i go for a pub I'll either ask for a pint (a big glass) or a middi, handle, pot etc (small glass) or a schooner (tall glass slightly smaller then a pint) although never have asked for a schooner and see no need.

    I've been to WA a couple of times… Had fish and chips with friends on the docks at Freo… all very nice! But I nearly fell over when they handed me the beers and told me the price. Don't ask me if it came in a pint or a schooner though. All I remember was it was expensive and I didn't even enjoy it. It was Redback I think — made with wheat, and not my cup of tea.

    What were we talking about again?

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever by Robert
  • Love You Forever by Robert

  • rbgb
    Sep 16, 02:34 AM
    What about the inclusion/release of Blu-Ray Drives?

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever by Robert
  • Love You Forever by Robert

  • Satori
    May 6, 06:46 AM
    If ARM are creating a new architecture to compete with the x86 then Apple will make sure that their OS works on it - just in case a good reason emerges for a switch. If there is any basis whatsoever to this rumour - then this is probably it.

    love you forever robert munsch. Writer: Robert Munsch
  • Writer: Robert Munsch

  • hawkeye23
    Nov 5, 03:21 PM
    So i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:

    Of course. Thats what the fanny pack is for.

    love you forever robert munsch. is quot;Love You Foreverquot; By
  • is quot;Love You Foreverquot; By

  • dernhelm
    Nov 26, 06:17 PM

    Too big! This is what M$ didn't understand. The value of a tablet is NOT simply being able to write on the screen of a laptop. Tablets need to be comfortable in one hand, they need to be able to collect information (text, drawing, audio, still and motion video), they need to be able to play back information (on its own screen, but also on TVs, projectors, etc), and they need to be able to sync up with home computers. I probably want some functional capabilties (e.g. iPhoto red eye and retouch, or simple text/excel type input) but I DO NOT NEED TO RUN PHOTOSHOP ON MY TABLET! I will transfer my data/photos/video onto my main computer to do that kind of work.

    If you give me a highly portable dock (something I can toss in a bag, and whip it out if I need it), then I won't need a bevy of I/O devices (firewire, s-video, etc) on the tablet itself. That can shrink the size, weight, and heat output.

    If Apple does release a device like this, I make only one prediction about it. Some idiot will try to run Quake on it and report the framerate. "Because how can you justify an $(N*100) device that runs Quake at only (F) fps?"

    love you forever robert munsch. Love You Forever middot; Robert
  • Love You Forever middot; Robert

  • guzhogi
    Jul 22, 02:27 PM
    I'd like to see Mac Minis start at $499, MacBooks & iMacs start at $999, MacBook Pro start out at $1499 and the Mac Pro at $1999. Maybe add a midtower mac at $1499. Don't know how likely this is, but just a thought

    love you forever robert munsch. Title : Love you Forever
  • Title : Love you Forever

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 06:09 PM
    I would worry too much about the swivel joint and the connections and cables within breaking, however I do use a touch-screen display ToughBook at work
    and I can certainly see where that option might be popular
    IF the protective shield to the touch screen could be easily replaced.

    They get scratched bad after using them for a while.
    I think the swivel mechanism is build to last. I have Fujitsu T4020 and it has the solid swivel mechanism. Passive and Active Screen have their pros and cons. Passive one is like the ones you find on Palm and Pocket PC. Active one requires the special digitizer which is made for active screen. For better sensitivity, the active digitizer unit is better. It's like Wacom's Intuos (pro grade) and Graphire (consumer grade which has less "sensitivity" on your input).
    With tablet PC, you need put on screen protector; no question about it. I use Vikuiti screen protector to protect the active digitizer screen. It is un-wise to use Tablet PC without screen protector. If you scratch the screen without using the screen protector, the blame is only on the user of that tablet PC.

    Aug 4, 02:20 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

    Usually there wouldn't be much advantage, except for applications that really need more than 4 GB of memory. In the case of x86 processors (both Intel and AMD), they have twice as many registers available in 64 bit mode; that is good for ten percent more performance.

    Full of Win
    Apr 23, 07:03 PM
    Resolution is a function of both pixel count and screen size. While there were less pixels on the iPhone screen, it had "higher resolution" in the form of higher DPI ;)

    Depends on who you talk too. OS X presents resolution as just the vertical and horizontal pixel counts, without mention of the PPI. For example, looking at System Preferences > Displays will show resolutions in this format, w/o mention of display size and PPI. The iPhone 4 tech specs seems to do the same thing, where resolution is linked to the pixel count and the PPI is mentioned afterwords.

    960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 ppi

    However, other times, I've seen it resolution (in a computer context) linked to PPI as well. Its just depends on who your are talking to.

    May 4, 05:51 PM
    Thank you for making my point for me. Last time I checked you were the one making predictions that Lion was going to be handled in the store exactly like every other app.

    All I am saying is that there is no proof to point either way at the moment. But coming to a conclusion that Lion is going to be handled like every other app is like concluding that the iPhone SDK, when released, was going to be exactly like "web apps" were previously.

    i "predict" the next car i buy will have four wheels.

    i don't "predict" that Lion will be handled the same as every other App Store product, but there's reason to believe it will be, and that's a cause for concern.

    please stop putting words in my mouth.

    Nov 26, 01:18 PM
    Apple should give it full capabilities, about a 12" enclosure, and a durable case and we have ourselves a new toy and I've got my 12" PB replacement!
    I'd buy that... but the 15" MacBook Pro would probably offer too much extra power for me versus a tablet. The touchscreen is great, but I wouldn't want a half-baked computer.

    Why would I want to waste my time learning shorthand (which makes the assumption that TPCs could handle various forms of shorthand) so I could do through writing what I can already do at 70+ WPM via typing. And with typing, it solves the whole problem of handwriting recognition, because there ISN'T ANY.

    I'd think it is more for drawing. Web-browsing is also very enjoyable with a touch-screen; just tap to follow a link. With Ink (handwriting recognizer in OS X) you could enter in a URL pretty easily.

    Jul 31, 02:30 AM
    Wifi. Free iChat/Skype calls from any Wifi hotspot.

    would be hot

    MY FIRST POST. Hey everybody :D