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Rio Moda Hype and Fashion Rio 2010


So, I hope you all have been well and thank you so much for comments on Fridays @ Portobello.
I'm back and I missed blogging so much... I had a nice little break though, so much needed to recharge my batteries a little bit.

This week, together with my other posts, I will be sharing with you some pictures from 'Rio Fashion 2010' an event that has started yesterday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
There was also an opening event called 'Rio Moda Hype' which was a warm up for Rio fashion, displaying the work of 12 new designers.

I must adimit I have only heard of a few names, which I am familiar with on the line up but was pleasently surprised and enjoyed some of the collections.

Here some of my favourites:

From' Rio Fashion 2010'

Maria Bonita Extra, a wonderful collection... I totally fell in love with all the sequined 'numbers' and also with the amazing colours and prints used.
Ps: Can someone please send me all of those items above?!?!?!?!

Cavendish, I really like the dresses in this collection, they are kind of Vivienne Westwood in the way they have been cut on the bias.

Melk Z-Da, the first dress, the grey one, is just something I MUST HAVE! Love the intricate construction of this garments. Loads of volume and sheer, is right up my street.

From 'Rio Moda Hype':

Ursula Felix, Absolutely loved the print on those amazing dresses, I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on her work!

Julia Valle, I felt very inspired for a DIY 'something' after seeing this picture.

Fernanda Yamamoto, I always love loads of volume and the second dress it's all made by glued fabrics like a collage, so inovative and beautiful.

Coming back with some more soon!