People either generally love or hate David DeCoteau's movies. For the most part they are one big gay tease disguised as hetro horror. All that changed with 'House of Usher' with a bit of nudity (a bit) and actual gay characters. (unlike the gay characters masquerading as straight in his previous movies). 'House of Usher' may not be the first movie to show the changes in David's work, but it was the first I have seen.

I liked 'House of Usher' more than most of the DeCoteau films I have seen, maybe because of the changes, but also I found the production values and music a bit above many of his previous flicks. I also thought Michael Cardelle was an appealing lead with the story having a bit more meat than usual.
I have always liked David DeCoteau's films though as I like an element of tease. I know many found them frustrating, but throughout the endless crappy scenes would be one scene which was so hot it almost made up for the rest of the film. I also loved that DeCoteau's films are so readily available at blockbuster. I have visions of many guys picking up one of his flicks only to be sitting on the couch with some girl watching the homoerotic vision of David DeCoteau.

Being that I am a huge fan of Poe, I expected little from 'House Of Usher'. Watching the film on it's own, without connecting to the original short story, I found myself enjoying it more than I thought. There was actually a bit of character development with former 'As The World Turns' actor Michael Cardelle playing Victor an old school mate of Roderick Usher (Frank Mentier). Although please note I am not saying this flick was a masterpiece by any means it certainly stands high above some of DeCoteau's earlier films and I would recommend it as long as you know your watching for the eye candy and the white skivvies, not the story.