Well I sat down to watch The Wanda Sykes show on Saturday and sadly was a bit disappointed. I LOVE Wanda and was really hoping for a hilarious hour. Well I did find myself laughing but not nearly enough. The problem was that it seemed the only theme the writers could come up with to discuss was Obama and it became old pretty quickly. I have faith this show will improve, just hope FOX and the audience gives it some time.
On the plus side, I did turn the channel (and taped the second half hour of Wanda) to enjoy and hour and a half of hilarious Saturday Night Live! SNL is hit and miss these days with great shows and lame ones, rarely do we get two shows in a row with laughs a plenty.

Taylor Swift was a great host. Not only did she handle her musical duties professionally, but she proved to be a decent enough actress to hold her own with the SNL vets. I was pleasantly surprised that Kayne only got two brief mentions. I had expected SNL to go to town with that story, but thankfully they let it rest.

I am sure I am not alone in crushing after Taylor Swift, but not sure about the rest of you but I also have a crush on SNL's Bill Hader. It was great to see he was featured prominently on Saturday's show. I love Hader and find he can bring laughs out of even the weakest written skits.
Highlights of the show were the 'Twilight' take off, the View (the actress doing Walters was superb) and Weekend update. Seth Meyers was on his game and not only did we get Amy Poehler back for 'Really' we also got a hilarious bit about those Sarah Mclaughlin animal commercials.
SNL needs to sit current 'it' girl Kristen Wig out a few more skits per show, but I forgive them this past weekend as the show, like Andy Samberg's new haircut, were great! Kudos SNL!